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Refund Policy


Absolutely no refunds will be issued under any case except if we failed to deliver the product within 3 working days of purchase, in that case you’ll receive a full refund, no questions asked.

If you are not sure about something or have any questions, please contact us before making your purchase. All questions are answered in 24 hours or less and our refund policy is always strictly enforced.

Please note that attempting fraudulent charge backs either through PayPal or your card issuer will be a breach of agreement on your side and we will use your private information in pursuit of legal damages in your local court.

In case of breach of agreement, we retain the right to use your private information to recover any and all damages, in ways that include but are not limited to:

  • Processing your information in court
  • Sending your information to dept collectors
  • Sharing your information in anti-fraud databases